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Experience Reviews

A Superb Dining Experience From Incognito Dining
A Superb Dining Experience From Incognito Dining When we were first informed about Incognito Dining and its plans, His Nibs and I were incredibly excited by such a fantastic concept, so when we were invited to their inaugural evening Read The Article

Sticky Beak Braves The York Dungeon
Sticky Beak Braves The York Dungeon Maybe it was excitement at being in one of England's most historic cities, or maybe it was being re-fuelled at The Ivy restaurant that made us decide to brave the York Dungeons. Whatever the reason, Read The Article

A Visit From Chef Karl Tyler For My Daddy Bird's 70th Birthday
A Visit From Chef Karl Tyler For My Daddy Bird's 70th Birthday I've said in the past that we're a tight-knit Flock, so when the year came to celebrate one of The Tribal Elders getting even older (!) it was a no-brainer that it was going to be a family Read The Article

A Visit To Lost Property And The Lost Caves, Nottingham
A Visit To Lost Property And The Lost Caves, Nottingham It was a gloriously sunny summer afternoon in Nottingham; we'd had a fab Afternoon Tea at Curious Tavern, and the day was still young enough for more mischief to be had. Enter Read The Article

A Visit To The New 'Garden Secret SPA' At Ringwood Hall, Chesterfield
A Visit To The New 'Garden Secret SPA' At Ringwood Hall, Chesterfield Todays pace of life can all get a bit overwhelming sometimes, leaving us needing to relax and recharge our batteries. Spas have been popular for some time now, Read The Article

Sticky Beak Out On The Town In Derby City Centre
Sticky Beak Out On The Town In Derby City Centre Normally when The Boy Wonder and I get to Derby it's either to visit one specific venue, or it's in the daylight hours. We had been invited to have an overnight stay in the Cathedral Read The Article

A Personal Chef Experience From Chef Karl Tyler
A Personal Chef Experience From Chef Karl Tyler If a girl can't have a private Chef over to cook dinner for her to celebrate her birthday, when can she have one? You may recall that we hosted a dinner party before Christmas in collaboration Read The Article

A Personal Chef Experience From La Belle Assiette
A Personal Chef Experience From La Belle Assiette What's a bird to do when approached by a company asking if she would like a personal chef to come and cook dinner for her and some friends? Say "heck, yes!!" of course! La Belle Read The Article

Rum Cocktail Masterclass At Turtle Bay, Derby
Rum Cocktail Masterclass At Turtle Bay, Derby The Boy Wonder and I went to Turtle Bay in Derby just before Christmas 2016 to try out their food, and had a brilliant night there, so when they invited us along to a Rum Cocktail making master class Read The Article

#DareToDine At Showcase Cinema @IntuDerby
#DareToDine At Showcase Cinema @IntuDerby I love my job so much sometimes dear reader. It has led me to some amazing experiences that I otherwise wouldn't have gone to and Dare2Dine is one such event. Read The Article

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